14.5. Summary

This chapter covered the new ASP.NET AJAX Extensions, which consists of client-side JavaScript code and server extensions.

The chapter began by walking you through many aspects of the ASP.NET AJAX client library, showing you how it expands JavaScript to include a typed system. You learned how to create namespaces, classes, enumerations, and interfaces.

Next, you learned how to utilize some of the client-side controls, wrappers for normal HTMLElements that provide an easy to use API. You learned about the TextBox, Button, Selector, and Label controls.

After covering many aspects of the client library, the chapter moved into the server-side of the AJAX Extensions, and introduced the UpdatePanel. You built a simple example of the UpdatePanel's use by updating contents in a TextBox.

Finally, you rewrote the AjaxSiteSearch widget from Chapter 12 and refactored the code to utilize the ASP.NET AJAX Extensions. By doing so, you saw how you can write Ajax-enabled applications with writing little to no JavaScript.

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