About the Author

Ciara Conlon is a productivity coach, consultant and speaker who specialises in the areas of personal productivity and leadership development. Ciara’s first book Chaos to Control, A Practical Guide To Getting Things Done was published in 2012. She has contributed to many publications, including The Irish Times and Tatler magazine, and has been a columnist for lifehack.org and the journal.ie.

Ciara has a degree in politics and economics from University College Dublin and diplomas in organisational psychology, coaching and IT. She has completed higher diplomas in management and leadership and is currently finalising her master’s in business.

Coming from chaos, Ciara transformed her own life by getting organised. Some would describe her as a productivity geek (or maybe freak) as she finds joy from both testing productivity software and organising her sock drawer.

Ciara lives by the sea in Dublin, Ireland, with her husband, three boys and their dog.

You can find out more and reach Ciara through her blog at www.theproductivityblog.com or website www.ciaraconlon.com.


This one is for my angels,

crave knowledgeseek stillnesspractice gratitudeand know that you are adored.

Thank you for allowing the mothership to fly.

Author’s Acknowledgments

Like all polite authors, I would like to acknowledge those who have helped me get here. Thank you to all the lovely, easy-to-work-with people at Wiley, especially Annie, Chrissy and Jennette. Your professionalism ...

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