Photo Credits

The London Film Commission

Harvey Edginton, Borough Liaison Officer, London Film Commission

Jed Henry, Wakefield

Tony Kysh, Byker Grove, Newcastle

Michael Malric-Smith, Castle Air Ltd, Cornwall

Ian Rowley, Leeds

Tony Scott, Hull

Roger Lamplugh, Northern Divers, Hull

Jeremy Johns, London

Brian Shingles, Vine International Pictures

Peter Whitear, Cop & Dog Services, Hampshire

Gary Wilson, Gt Caterers, Leeds

Clive Cureton, Scafftag Ltd, Wales

Mike Stephenson and David Lockham, ARCO Ltd, Hull, for PPE photographs

George Tarrib, Managing Director, Tyler Camera Systems Ltd, California

Yorkshire Television Limited

Any illustrations used are depicting the potential hazards of particular locations and potential situations. They are not specifically ...

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