2D, 270, 325

2.5D, 325

3D, 325

versus 2D playback of mono sources, 270

3D conversion. see dimensionalization

3D models, 434

3D painting packages, 52

3DEqualizer, 49

3DS Max, 76, 92, 162, 163, 277, 325

911 project, 2401, 325


AAA market, 245, 86

AAF (Advanced Authoring Format), 208

access control, 21415

ACES system, 2568, 325

Activision Blizzard, 245

Adobe, 260

Creative Suite, 321

ADX (Academy Density Encoding), 257

After Effects (compositing package), 66, 325

agile model, 2346, 24950, 2801, 325

Alembic, 301, 325

Alfred, 277, 325

Alpha, 37

anaglyph, 325

animatic, 29, 40, 3256

animation, 56, 326

audio differences with live action, 2645

automated lip-sync, 59

facial motion capture, 58

hand-keyed, 567

in-game facial animation, ...

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