

A123 Systems, 94

accountability when answering questions, 136–137

Active Listening 133–134

to multiple questions, 133–134

silent reactions and, 135

speed of Q&A responses, 131–132

understanding questions before answering, 146

“Aha!” Moments, 32–33

airline example (flow of presentations), 34–35

Alito, Samuel, 149

all-caps, initial caps versus, 71–72

Allen, George, 122

Allen, Woody, 22

anecdotes 50–52 See human interest stories

animation 168–169

pausing, 168–169

of text, 80–81

tips for, 82–83

answers, keeping short 144–145 See also Q&A sessions

Archimedes, 32

Aristotle, 17, 41

Armstrong, Louis, 163

Army (U.S.), 24–25

Arnheim, Rudolf, 165

Art and Visual Perception (Arnheim), 165

The Art of Conversation (Blyth), 89

asking questions, customizing ...

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