List of Notations and Acronyms

images Dynamic control model
images Dynamic tracking model
AF-CLOE Adaptively Filtered Closed Loop Output Error (identification method)
A,B,C,D State-space representation of the continuous MIMO system
Ad,Bd,Cd,Dd State-space representation of the discrete MIMO system
A,b,c,d State-space representation of the continuous SISO system
Ad,bd,cd,dd State-space representation of the discrete SISO system
ARMAX Model or class of identification models expressed by 3 terms: autoregressive (AR), moving average (MA) and exogenous control (X)
ARX Identification model of autoregressive type (AR), with exogenous control (X)
(C,M) Closed loop nominal system
(C,P) Closed loop real system
DPRC Differential Pressure Control System
FRC Flow Control System
LRC Level Control System
LS Least Squares identification technique
RLS Recursive Least Squares identification technique
PID Proportional-integral-derivative algorithm
PRC Pressure Control System
SM State Model
TRC Temperature Control System
BJ Identification model of Box-Jenkins type
CL Closed Loop (system, identification method etc.)
CLOE Closed Loop Output Error (idenfication methods)
CLSI Closed Loop System Identification
dB decibel(s) – measuring unit for the signals/systems spectra
E-LSM Extended Least Squares Method
F-CLOE ...

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