Although the BLU estimator is derived using a technique that differs from the WLS minimization, the result is in fact a special case.

  • Equivalence of BLU and WLS estimators. When W = R−1VV, the BLU and WLS estimators are identical:

    (9.388) Numbered Display Equation

    When V is uncorrelated such that , the LS and BLU estimators are equivalent. This is a restatement of the LS property given earlier.
  • Unbiased. Since the derivation of the BLU estimator includes an unbiasedness constraint, is obviously unbiased for zero-mean noise:

    (9.389) Numbered Display Equation

  • Covariance matrix. The covariance matrix of the BLU estimator is

    (9.390) Numbered Display Equation

    Substituting (9.368) gives

    (9.391) Numbered Display Equation

  • Minimum . The minimum value of the cost function is the trace of the covariance matrix in (9.391):


    It is interesting to note ...

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