In Chapter 7, we investigated the DE:

(8.2) Numbered Display Equation

where {a1, … , an} are fixed coefficients, random process Y(t) is the input of the linear system represented by the DE, and X(t) is the output (note that the roles of X(t) and Y(t) are reversed in Chapter 7 and (8.2)) . Since Y(t) is random, it is generally not possible to write an expression for each realization of X(t). We first considered evaluating the mean:

Table 8.1 Mean-Square Results for a Random Process

Continuity: RXX(t1, t2) is continuous at t1 = t2 = t or RXX(τ) is continuous at τ = 0
Derivative: inline exists at t1 = t2 = t or inline exists at τ = 0
Integral: inline exists or inline exists

Figure 8.1 Input/output frequency-domain characterization of LTI systems for deterministic signals and wide-sense stationary random signals.



for t>0, where it is assumed that the derivatives and expectations can be interchanged. ...

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