We summarize several continuous random variables by providing expressions for FX(x) and FX(x), and describing important properties. For some continuous random variables, the cdf cannot be expressed in a closed form, including the well-known Gaussian random variable. Regarding distribution parameters, we use the following notation for consistency:

  • μ for the mean (a location parameter).
  • for the variance (a scale parameter).
  • σ for the standard deviation (a scale parameter).
  • c for a general location parameter (other than the mean).
  • α for a general scale parameter (other than the standard deviation).
  • λ for a general location/scale parameter.
  • r for a general shape parameter; also for degrees of freedom of Student's t distribution.
  • α and β together are the location, scale, and shape parameters for the beta distribution.
  • m and n for the degrees of freedom for the F-distribution.
  • N for the degrees of freedom of the chi and chi-square distributions.

Location is an indication of the “center” of the pdf (it could be exactly in the middle depending on the distribution family), and scale refers to a measure of its “width.” Specific definitions of these types of parameters are provided in Chapter 5. There is no definite pattern to the shape of a distribution when r is varied, as some pdfs can have a wide range of shapes. Example plots of the pdfs are included ...

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