The topics on signals and systems reviewed at the end of this chapter can be explored further in the following references. Dirac delta function: Bracewell (1978) and Weisstein (2003). Continuous-time linear systems: Lathi (1965), Lathi (2000), and Oppenheim, Willsky, and Nawab (1996). Digital signal processing: Hamming (1983), Oppenheim and Schafer (2009), Mitra (2010), Rabiner and Gold (1975), and Stearns and Hush (1990). State-space formulations: Kailath (1980), Mendel (1995), and Tretter (1976). Signal processing with MATLAB: Chaparro (2011), Childers (1997), Ingle and Proakis (2011), and McClellan, Schafer, and Yoder (1998).

1. MATLAB is a registered trademark of The Mathworks, Inc., 3 Apple Hill Drive, Natick, MA.

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