Definition: Harmonic Numbers The generalized harmonic numbers {Hn(v)} are defined by the following finite sum:

(B.140) Numbered Display Equation

for inline and inline.

The Riemann zeta function is obtained when inline. The ordinary harmonic numbers are given by inline, of which the first 10 values are H1 = 1, H2 = 3/2, H3 = 11/6, H4 = 25/12, H5 = 137/60, H6 = 441/180, H7 = 3267/1260, H8 = 6849/2520, H9 = 64, 161/22, 680, and H10 = 66, 429/22, 680. The harmonic numbers are related to the Bernoulli numbers as follows:

(B.141) Numbered Display Equation

where γ is the Euler–Mascheroni constant described in Section B.27. From this expansion, we find that inline for large n.

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