Definition: Indicator Function The indicator function for set E is

(B.64) Numbered Display Equation

When E = [a, b] for a<b, the indicator function specifies a closed interval:

(B.65) Numbered Display Equation

Open and semi-open intervals are similarly given by I[a,b)(x), I(a,b](x), and I(a,b)(x). It is possible for inline or inline or both, in which case we might use inline. The indicator function can be written in terms of the unit-step function as follows:

(B.66) Numbered Display Equation

It can also be used for countable sets inline such as

(B.67) Numbered Display Equation

where brackets have been used to emphasize that x is discrete. The indicator function is convenient for specifying the support of a pdf (for the exponential random variable):


or a pmf (for the Poisson random ...

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