Author Index


Abend, K., 120, 132
Ackley, D. H., 407
Adams, E., 25, 72, 481, 482, 484, 485, 487, 488, 516
Aleliunas, R. A., 27
Andersen, S. K., 3, 27
Anderson, C. A., 280
Andreassen, S., 3, 27


Baldwin, J. F., 24, 445
Barbosa, V. C., 222, 233, 263
Barclay, S., 232, 39
Barth, S. W., 71
Bayes, T., 17, 70–71
Beeri. C., 89, 112, 132, 262
Ben-Bassat, M., 27, 240, 326, 327
Bentler, P. N., 347
Berman, P., 27
Bernouli, J., 70
Bertelé, U., 144
Bertsekas, D. P., 221
Blalock, H. M., 125
Bobrow, D., 345
Bonissone, P. P., 10, 27
Booker, L., 256
Brachman, R. J., 26, 516
Brioschi, F., 144
Brown, C. M., 373
Brown, F. M., 22
Brown, J. S., 408
Buchanan, B. G., 27, 342
Bundy, A., 11, 456, 463


Cardano, G., 16, 70
Carlin, J. B., 125
Carlson, R. W.,

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