

  1. addAccumulator method

  2. addInPlace method

  3. Alternating least square (ALS)

  4. awaitTermination()method


  1. Batch processing

  2. Big Data systems, Spark

    1. acyclic graph

    2. canonical word-count

    3. MapReduce programming model

    4. Samza messages

    5. sensor network

    6. SQL to NoSQL

    7. stream-processing system

    8. Web 2.0 applications

    9. local Execution

    10. .sbt file

    11. standalone cluster mode

    12. YARN


  1. cache() function

  2. Call data record (CDR)

  3. Case-class method

  4. Cassandra Query Language (CQL)

  5. ChiSqSelector

  6. Chi-square selection

  7. Clickstream Dataset

  8. Collaborative filtering

  9. compute() method

  10. createCombiner function

  11. Custom receiver

    1. HttpInputDStream

    2. receiver interface method


  1. Data frame

    1. avoid shuffling

    2. cache aggressively

    3. MLlib

    4. persistence

    5. query transformation

      1. action

      2. aggregation expression

      3. cube operation

      4. DataFrameNaFunctions

      5. DataFrameStatFunctions ...

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