
A, B

  1. Browsers

    1. Chrome

    2. Firefox

    3. Internet Explorer 7


  2. Browser supporting devices

    1. polyfilling

    2. shiv and shim


  1. Column breaks

    1. break-after

    2. break-before

    3. break-inside

    4. column-fill approach

    5. column-span

    6. content box

    7. images, responsiveness, and cropping

  2. Conditional comments

  3. CSS box-model

  4. CSS exclusions

  5. CSS layout

    1. block and inline display

      1. combine inline-block element

      2. elements

      3. HTML code

      4. structure

    2. block layout

    3. CSS3 layout

    4. CSS Zen Garden

    5. data processing

    6. exclusions

    7. features

    8. floating elements

      1. clear property

      2. hacks/scripts

      3. height of, relative position

      4. relative parent

      5. style and content

    9. floating layout

    10. inline layout

    11. JavaScript

    12. linear vs . table-based layout

    13. modular approach

    14. modules

      1. Flexbox layout

      2. Grid layout

      3. multi-column layout

      4. regions layout

    15. positioned layout

    16. positioning attribute

    17. presentations ...

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