25.3. Investigating the Core WCF Assemblies

As you might expect, the programming fabric of WCF is represented by a set of .NET assemblies installed into the GAC. Table 25-1 describes the overall role of the core WCF assemblies you need to use in just about any WCF application.

Table 25.1. Core WCF Assemblies
AssemblyMeaning in Life
System.Runtime.Serialization.dllDefines namespaces and types that you can use for serializing and deserializing objects in the WCF framework.
System.ServiceModel.dllThis core assembly contains the types used to build any sort of WCF application.

These two assemblies define many new namespaces and types. You should consult the .NET Framework 4.0 SDK documentation for complete details; however, Table 25-2 documents the ...

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