
Conventions Used in This Book

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:


Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions.

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We would not have been able to write this book without the help of many people.

We would like to thank our spouses for going beyond the call, putting up with us genteelly (if there is such a thing) yelling at each other, proofing, and sharing ideas. It goes without saying that startups have long grueling hours and when coupled with our writing weekends, we did not have much time for anything else. Our spouses bore the brunt of most of this and we are eternally grateful that we have chosen so well!

We would also like to thank Mike Loukides, Meghan Blanchette, and the entire O’Reilly crew for the opportunity and support. We especially appreciated the gentle prodding when we were a bit late with drafts which helped us to stay the course.

Our thanks to Natalie Fonseca, the co-founder and executive producer of Privacy Identity Innovation (PII). Her excellent conferences taught us much we didn’t know about privacy and her unstinting support of the book has our heartfelt gratitude.

A number of friends and colleagues reviewed drafts of this book. We thank them all for their insights and comments. Without a doubt, they all helped to make the book better.

Enough said. This book is soup! Time for some cocktails on the deck!

In Terence’s Own Words...

To my Mother, Father, and my beautiful wife: without you there, there is no me. To my adopted Russian Crew, with a special shout out to Slavik and Sasha; to Dr. B, Sujata, and Elan, every time I hear how success ruins people, I think how you guys are the exception to the rule, thanks for having my back; to my Texas and North Carolina family (you guys know who you are and I am running out of room); to all the employees, past and present, that have helped me build PatternBuilders and last, but certainly not least, to my co-author and dear friend, Mary, thanks for one of the most rewarding collaborations of my career.

It’s Mary’s Turn Now...

My thanks to my husband and sisters who picked up all of the slack and kept me laughing throughout this “labor of privacy” (wait, I meant love!). To my dearest cousin, thanks for reminding me why I should periodically take grammar refresher courses and for having such a keen eye (and yes, I should have given you more time!). To all my friends and family, thanks for putting up with my endless questions on all things related to privacy to gain a better understanding of different viewpoints. Finally, to my co-author and equally (see above) dear friend, Terence: “I could not have picked a better person to work with to write a book about a topic that is so nuanced and complicated. We had our contentious moments but we never lost sight of the big picture and that made, I believe, for a much better book!”

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