
Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures


Abort cascading, 196
Abort operation, 208–209, 234–235
Abort record, 230
Abstract process, 137
Accept message, 259
ACID properties, 10
Activities, 136
Acyclic directed graphs, 184
Address space, 41–42
ADO.NET/ADO.NET entity framework, 322–323
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP), 115, 346
After-image log, 200
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), 283
All-or-nothing behavior, 10, 12f
Ambient transaction, 294
Apache, 361
Application Control and Management System (ACMS) (HP), 333–336
Application programming interface (API)
ADO.NET/ADO.NET entity framework, 322–323
definition of, 31
front-end programs ...

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