Simulating the portal environment with dashboard

The dashboard component is a layout component with the drag-and-drop ability to support reordering of the panels.

How to do it...

A basic definition for a dashboard with six panels would be as follows:

<p:dashboard id="board" model="#{dashboardController.model}"> <p:ajax event="reorder" listener= "#{dashboardController.handleReorder}" update="growl" /> <p:panel id="calculator" header="Calculator"> <h:outputText value="Content for Calculator" /> </p:panel> <p:panel id="calendar" header="Calendar"> <h:outputText value="Content for Calendar" /> </p:panel> <p:panel id="contact" header="Contacts"> <h:outputText value="Content for Contacts" /> </p:panel> <p:panel id="dictionary" header="Dictionary"> <h:outputText ...

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