
Note: Page numbers in italics refer to tables and figures. Aberrations used: PMB for Positive Manager Behaviour

abusive supervision, definition of

academic leadership models

academic perspective, on leading with integrity

accidents and injuries

calculation for determining cost of stress-related

categories of

due to work-related stress

action learning sets

American Institute for Stress

appraisal systems

and performance management

assertiveness pendulum, concept of

assessment and selection processes, in organisations

authentic leadership

Barber vs. Somerset County Council (2002)

Bass model, of transformational leadership

Beehr, T.A.

behavioural model, mapping of

behaviour-based interventions, for stress management

behaviour change

eight-factor model for variation in

factors influencing


and importance of upward feedback

for motivating managers to develop people management skills

for ongoing support for behaviour change

for organizational factors that affect success

Prochaska and DiClemente's five stages model of

theories of

see also Positive Manager Behaviour (PMB)

Benson, P.G.

Bolger, N.

Bono, Edward de

bullying/harassment claim, at employee tribunal

Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD)

checklist for reviewing PMB frameworks in organization

coaching vs. group workshop/training

cognitive behavioural therapy training

Communities of Practice (CoP)

competency-based approach, for stress management

competency indicator tool, stages of development

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