

47 percent quote (Mitt Romney), 146-149

60 Minutes (television program), 8


accusations, responding to, 82

Active Listening


importance of, 43-46

Roman Columns, 46-51

subvocalization, 51-52

understanding the question, 53-54

visual listening, 52

YAC (yards after catch), 55

agility, 105-106

Barack Obama example, 117-118

force versus, 5-6

George W. Bush example, 108-114

Lloyd Bentsen example, 114-116

Michael Dukakis example, 106-108

Ronald Reagan example, 116-117

self-control in, 138-142


in televised debates, 155-161

transparency in, 162-163

Alito, Samuel, 124

answering questions

about presented content, 69-70

agreement and transparency in, 162-163

anticipating challenging questions, 91-93


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