11.3. Unwritten Code

Suppose that we decided to log every call in ZipCodeVerificationTracker's track_this_call( ) method (Example 11-6). There are a number of possibilities for implementing a set of operations, such as a logging class. First, we can write just the features we need for the current situation (the YAGNI [You Ain't Gonna Need It] approach). Second, we can add features that we are sure we will need in the near term. Third, we can look for a prewritten and tested standard library component.

Tim and I have a logger library we have used on several previous projects. We found it as freeware many years ago. The user calls a method to output a comment and a value. The comment and the value converted to a string, along with the time, are placed on a line in a file. The library did the job and we have never had to investigate its internals.


Never write functionality that already exists in usable form.

11.3.1. Aspect-Oriented Programming

Another way to avoid writing code is to use Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), if your language supports it. With AOP, you can easily add common functionality to classes. AOP modularizes crosscutting concerns , which is behavior that cuts across classes. These crosscutting aspects can include logging, security authorization, performance optimizations, and so forth. So instead of using proxies and a logging library as shown above, you can add logging as an aspect.

Here is a brief introduction ...

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