B.12. com.samscdrental.model Package

The classes in the model are in this package. The code is shown for CDDisc.

B.12.1. CDCategory.java

public class CDCategory
    implements java.io.Serializable
    public CDCategory(  )
    public CDCategory( int value )
    public String toString(  )
    public static CDCategory parseString( String aString ) throws
    public boolean equals( CDCategory aCDCategory )
    public boolean equals( Object obj )


B.12.2. CDCategoryValues.java

public class CDCategoryValues
    int getBaseRentalPeriodDays( CDCategory cdCategory )
    Dollar getRentalFee( CDCategory cdCategory )


B.12.3. CDDisc.java

public class CDDisc
    implements java.io.Serializable
    public CDDisc( CDRelease aCDRelease, PhysicalID aPhysicalID )
    public Rental getRental(  )
    public CDRelease getCdRelease(  )
    public PhysicalID getPhysicalID(  )
    public boolean isRented(  )
    public RentalContractDTO startRental( Customer aCustomer ) throws
    public void endRental(  ) throws CheckInDeviation, LateReturnDeviation

B.12.4. CDRelease.java

public class CDRelease
    implements java.io.Serializable
    public CDCategory getCdCategory(  )
    public Name getTitle(  )
    public UPCCode getUPCCode(  )
    public CDRelease( CDCategory aCDCategory, Name aTitle, UPCCode aUPCCode )
    int getBaseRentalPeriodDays(  )
    Dollar getRentalFee(  )

B.12.5. Customer.java

 public class Customer implements java.io.Serializable { public CustomerID getCustomerID( ) public Name getName( ) public Customer( Name aName, CustomerID ...

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