HSL Functions

hsl($hue, $saturation, $lightness)

Creates a color from hue, saturation, and lightness values.

hsla($hue, $saturation, $lightness, $alpha)

Creates a color from hue, saturation, lightness, and alpha (opacity) values.


Gets the hue component of a color.


Gets the saturation component of a color.


Gets the lightness component of a color.

adjust-hue($color, $degrees)

Changes the hue of a color, maintaining the lightness and saturation. The degrees given rotate the hue.

lighten($color, $amount)

Makes a color lighter. The amount is given in a percentage.

darken($color, $amount)

Makes a color darker. The amount is given in a percentage.

saturate($color, $amount)

Makes a color more saturated. ...

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