Apply Customizations to Certain Types of Files

Our preferences may vary from one type of file to another. For example, suppose that we work with a house style that advises two spaces for indentation in Ruby and four-column-wide tabs for JavaScript. We could apply these settings by putting the following lines in our vimrc:

 if​ has(​"autocmd"​)
 filetype​ ​on
  autocmd FileType ​ruby​ ​setlocal​ ​ts​=2 ​sts​=2 ​sw​=2 et
  autocmd FileType javascript ​setlocal​ ​ts​=4 ​sts​=4 ​sw​=4 noet

The autocmd declaration tells Vim to listen for an event and to execute the specified commands whenever that event fires (:autocmd). In this case we’re listening for the FileType event, which is triggered ...

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