
Visual editor


For more information, see Chapters 20 and 21.

Starting vi:

vi -r means display files that can be restored.

view file means run vi in read-only mode.

Colon commands:

:abbrev word means new phrase.

:!cmd means run UNIX cmd in subshell, and then resume vi.

:f means show current line number and filename.

:map c string means map character c to string.

:q! means quit without saving.

:w means write changes to disk.

:w file means save in file.

:wq means write (save changes) and quit.

Format for the following:

:set mode:set abbreviation:set mode to off
:set autoindent:set ai:set noai
:set ignorecase:set ic:set noic
:set number:set nu:set ...

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