Denoting a Variable’s Data Type

Table 3-1 lists the prefixes you can use to denote a variable’s data type.

If you’re unsure of what prefix to use, use obj. For instance, when automating Microsoft Word, you might create an instance of Word’s Application object. Because no prefix has been designated specifically for Word objects, obj works just fine, as shown in the following statement:

						Dim objWord As Word.Application
Table 3-1. Prefixes for Variable Data Types 
Data Type Prefix Example
Boolean bln blnLoggedIn
Byte byt bytAge
Char chr chrInitial
Decimal dec decInterestRate
Double dbl dblMiles
Integer int intAge
Long lng lngOnHand
Object obj objUserTable
Short srt srtTotalIterations
Single sng sngYears
String ...

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