Implementing Constraints on Individual Columns

Following is the code for creating an Adaptive Server Anywhere version of the titles table with SQL-92 constraints. The table name is titlescnstr to avoid conflict with the titles table, which already exists in the bookbiz database. The titlescnstr definition uses the defaults and constraints shown in Figure 3.6. All of the constraints in this case apply to single columns.

alter table publishers
add primary key(pub_id)
[command completed]
create table titlescnstr
(title_id char(6) not null
primary key   check (title_id like '[A-Z][A-Z][0-9] [0-9] [0-9][0-9]'),
title varchar(80) not null
type char(12)
 default 'unclassified' null
						  check (type in ('business', 'mod_cook', 'trad_cook',
						 'psychology', ...

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