Defining the Tables in bookbiz

Now you are ready to apply these syntax rules to real tables. Following is a CREATE TABLE command for the titles table. If you are using the software on the CD, you don't need to create this table—it's already built. To create a table just like it for practice, use a different table name (make it titles2, for example). Relational databases don't allow multiple tables with the same name and owner.

create table titles
(title_id char(6) not null,
title varchar(80) not null,
type char(12) null,
pub_id char(4) null,
price numeric(8,2)  null,
advance numeric(10,2) null,
ytd_sales int null,
contract bit not null,
notes varchar(200) null,
pubdate date null)
[table created]

The CREATE TABLE statements for the eight remaining ...

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