


1     Introduction to Signals and Systems

1.1     Introduction

1.1.1     What Is a Signal?

1.1.2     What Is a System?

1.2     Introduction to Signal Manipulation

1.2.1     Linear Combination

1.2.2     Addition and Multiplication of Signals

1.2.3     Visualizing Signals—An Important Skill

1.2.4     Introduction to Signal Manipulation Using MATLAB

Defining Signals

Basic Plotting Commands

Multiple Plots on One Figure

1.3     A Few Useful Signals

1.3.1     The Unit Rectangle rect(t)

1.3.2     The Unit Step u(t)

1.3.3     Reflection about t = 0

1.3.4     The Exponential ext

1.3.5     The Unit Impulse δ(t)

Sketching the Unit Impulse

The Sifting Property of δ(t)

Sampling Function

1.4     The Sinusoidal Signal

1.4.1     The One-Sided Cosine Graph

1.4.2     Phase Change—Φ

1.5     Phase Change vs. Time Shift

1.5.1     Sine vs. Cosine

1.5.2     Combining Signals: The Gated Sine Wave

1.5.3     Combining Signals: A Dial Tone Generator

1.6     Useful Hints and Help with MATLAB

1.6.1     Annotating Graphs

1.7     Conclusions

2     Classification of Signals

2.1     Introduction

2.2     Periodic Signals

2.2.1     Sinusoid

2.2.2     Half-Wave Rectified Sinusoid

2.2.3     Full-Wave Rectified Sinusoid

2.2.4     Square Wave

2.2.5     Sawtooth Wave

2.2.6     Pulse Train

2.2.7     Rectangular Wave

2.2.8     Triangle Wave

2.2.9     Impulse Train

DC Component in Periodic Signals ...

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