
Preface to the First Edition

Preface to the Second Edition

Preface to the Third Edition

Preface to the Third Edition Revised

Preface to the Fourth Edition

Preface to the Fifth Edition


1 Introduction to Reliability Engineering

1.1 What is Reliability Engineering?

1.2 Why Teach Reliability Engineering?

1.3 Why Do Engineering Products Fail?

1.4 Probabilistic Reliability

1.5 Repairable and Non-Repairable Items

1.6 The Pattern of Failures with Time (Non-Repairable Items)

1.7 The Pattern of Failures with Time (Repairable Items)

1.8 The Development of Reliability Engineering

1.9 Courses, Conferences and Literature

1.10 Organizations Involved in Reliability Work

1.11 Reliability as an Effectiveness Parameter

1.12 Reliability Programme Activities

1.13 Reliability Economics and Management



2 Reliability Mathematics

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Variation

2.3 Probability Concepts

2.4 Rules of Probability

2.5 Continuous Variation

2.6 Continuous Distribution Functions

2.7 Summary of Continuous Statistical Distributions

2.8 Variation in Engineering

2.9 Conclusions

2.10 Discrete Variation

2.11 Statistical Confidence

2.12 Statistical Hypothesis Testing

2.13 Non-Parametric Inferential Methods

2.14 Goodness of Fit

2.15 Series of Events (Point Processes)

2.16 Computer Software for Statistics

2.17 Practical Conclusions



3 Life Data Analysis and Probability Plotting

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Life Data Classification

3.3 Ranking of Data

3.4 Weibull ...

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