
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures; those followed by t indicate tables; and those followed by b indicate boxed material.

Symbols and Numbers

& (ampersand) as script statement separator, 123
* (array multiplication operator), 42–43
@ (at character)
for executing scripts, 122–123
for executing text file statements, 122
$ (dollar sign)
for continued commands, 5
for operating system commands, 5
## (matrix multiplication operator), 43–44
> (maximum operator), 41–42
< (minimum operator), 41–42
[ ) (parentheses) for arrays, 25
? (question mark)
checking for function names, 23
for online help access, 9, 23
as ternary operator, 50–51
(semicolon) for comments, 5
[ (square brackets)
appending array index, 39

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