


The logical NOT operator.


Not-equal relational operator.


See Double quote.


The modulus operator.


1) The bitwise AND operator.

2) A symbol used to precede a variable name (as in &x). Means the address of the named variable (address of x). Used to assign a value to a pointer variable.


The logical AND operator (used in comparison operations).


See Single quote.


1) The MULTIPLY operator.

2) A symbol used to precede a pointer variable name that means “get the value stored at the address pointed to by the pointer variable.” (*x means “get the value stored at x“). Sometimes known as the dereferencing operator or indirect operator.


The ADD operator.


The incrementation operator.


The comma character is an obscure C operator that can be used to connect two statements together as one.


The subtract operator.


The decrementation operator.


Used to obtain a member from a class or structure pointer.


The divide operator.


Less than relational operator.


The left shift operator.


Less than or equal relational operator.


Equal relational operator.


Greater than relational operator.


Greater than or equal relational operator.


The right shift operator.

? :

C operators to allow a conditional inside an expression. Rarely used.


The bitwise exclusive OR operator.


Character used in strings to signal a special character.


Backspace character (moves the cursor back one on most output devices).


Form feed character. (On most printers, this character will eject a page. On many terminals, this character ...

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