Word Used in Sentence(s)

(1) The business plan components should explicate both the vision and mission of the firm.

(1) The term explicate the quote means tell the whole truth. Make it plain to the reader and don’t leave anything out; but also don’t leave anything implied.


(1) admonish; argue or make a friendly protest; disagree; complain; protest; object

Word Used in Sentence(s)

(1) “Caroline drew in a breath to expostulate, then let it out again slowly as the necessity for realism overtook her.”

—Perry, Anne. 1993. Farriers’ Lane. New York: Fawcett Crest.


(1) efface; eliminate; erase; exercise; delete; destroy; obliterate; to rub or wipe out; strike out

Word Used in Sentence(s)

(1) “There is no man, however ...

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