
ACalternating current
ACCPManalytic center cutting plane method
ACEagent-based computational economics
AGAannealing genetic algorithm
AGAgenetic algorithm with annealing selection
AGCautomatic generation control
AVCautomatic voltage control
BESbattery energy storage
CACDcost of adjusting control device
CCAcoevolutionary computation approach
CCAcooperative coevolutionary algorithm/approach
CCEMcoevolutionary computation applied to the electricity market
CCGAcooperative coevolutionary genetic algorithm
CCHPcombined cooling, heat, and power
CEAcoevolutionary algorithm
CGAcataclysmic genetic algorithm
CGAcoevolutionary genetic algorithm
CHPcombined heat and power
CRFcapital recovery factor
CSFconjectured supply function
DAIdistributed artificial intelligence
DCdirect current
DGdistributed generation
DisCodistribution company
DMSdistribution management system
DPdynamic programming
DSRdemand-side response
EAevolutionary algorithm
EEFequivalent energy function
EENSexpected energy not served
EPevolutionary programming
EPECequilibrium problem with equilibrium constraints
ESenergy storage
ESevolution strategy
ESSentirety selection scheme
GAgenetic algorithm
GenCogeneration company
GGDFgeneralized generation distribution factor
IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency
ICMintelligent communication manager
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IMCiterative Monte Carlo
IPCPMinterior point cutting plane method
IPDiterated prisoners' dilemma
ISOindependent system operator ...

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