The increment in power input to the generator load system is ΔPG – ΔPD, where ΔPG = ΔPt, the incremental power output and ΔPD is the load increment. Assume that generator incremental losses of the generator are neglected. The increment in power input to the system is accounted for in two ways:

i) Rate of increase of stored kinetic energy(KE) in the generator rotor at scheduled frequency f0


The stored KE is        W0ke = H * Pr (KJ of MJ)                    (4.9)

Where Pr, is the MW rating of the turbo-generator and H is defined as its inertia constant.


The kinetic energy being proportional to square of speed (frequency), the kinetic energy at a frequency of (f0 + Δf0) is given by

and the rate of change of KE is ...

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