
It is my great honor and pleasure to write the foreword for this state-of-the-art book Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems, Transportation, and Industrial Applications. Power electronics and drives control is an extremely complex field with multiple disciplines throughout the field of electrical engineering. It is virtually impossible to write a book covering the entire area by one individual specialist, particularly witnessing the recent developments in neighboring fields such as control theory, signal processing, and applications in renewable energy systems, as well as electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, all of which strongly influence new solutions in power electronic systems. For this reason, the book has been written by the key specialists in these areas.

This book comprising 24 chapters is divided into three parts: (1) Impact of Power Electronics for Emerging Technologies (Chapters 1–5), (2) Power Electronics for Distributed Power Generation Systems (Chapters 6–11), and (3) Power Electronics for Transportations and Industrial Applications (Chapters 12–24). The first chapter is written by the world-renowned power electronics expert Professor Bimal K. Bose, and is followed by a review of power electronics in high-voltage direct current (HVDC) and flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS), a chapter on smart grid concepts and technologies, and then a chapter on recent advances in power semiconductor technology. Chapter 5 is the last in Part 1 and this ...

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