How to do it...

Follow these steps to examine the PostgreSQL processes in various ways:

  1. In our PostgreSQL connection, execute the following query to find the process ID of the server backend assigned to us:
        SELECT pg_backend_pid() AS pid; 
  1. As our root-capable user, attach strace to the preceding pid (4200, for example) with this command:
        sudo strace -p 4200
  1. In our PostgreSQL connection, execute the following query to generate some activity:
        SELECT 1; 
  1. In the terminal where strace is running, press Ctrl + C to disconnect.
  2. Attach strace again, but collect the statistics with the following command:
        strace -c -S calls -p 4200
  1. Now, execute the following query to generate some complex activity:
 SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns; ...

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