How to do it...

To send the collectd data to Graphite, follow these steps only on the server monitoring our PostgreSQL nodes:

  1. Add the following section to the top of the storage-schemas.conf file in the /opt/graphite/conf directory:
        pattern = ^collectd\. 
        retentions = 10s:1d,1m:7d,5m:30d,10m:90d,1h:1y 
  1. Restart the carbon daemon with the following commands:
        sudo /opt/graphite/bin/ stop
        sudo /opt/graphite/bin/ start


  1. Replace the contents of the local.conf file in /etc/collectd with the following contents:
        LoadPlugin write_graphite 
        <Plugin write_graphite> 
         <Node "mon1"> 
          LogSendErrors true 
          Prefix "collectd." 
          StoreRates true 
          SeparateInstances true 
  1. Restart the collectd daemon ...

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