How to do it...

Our archive server has a 3 TB mount at the /db directory and is named arc_server on our network. The PostgreSQL source server resides at Follow these steps for long-term storage of important WAL files on an archive server:

  1. Enable rsync to run as a daemon on the archive server.
  2. On Debian-based systems, edit the /etc/default/rsync file and change the RSYNC_ENABLE variable to true.
  3. On Red-Hat-based systems, edit the /etc/xinet.d/rsync file and change the disable parameter to no.
  4. Create a directory to store archived WAL files as the postgres user with these commands:
        sudo mkdir /db/pg_archived
        sudo chown postgres:postgres /db/pg_archived


  1. Create a file named /etc/rsyncd.conf and fill it with the following ...

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