PHP-to-PostgreSQL connections

To make a connection to PostgreSQL from PHP, we have a set of built-in functions where we need to pass our connection string and a set of client options to make a connection. Here, we have the pg_connect() and pg_pconnect() functions in PHP that will get the connection from PostgreSQL.

Now, let's try a simple connection to Postgres using PHP:

$dbcon = pg_connect("host=localhost port=5432 dbname=postgres user=postgres"); 
if (!$dbcon) { 
  echo"Unable to make connection"; 
else { 
  echo"Successfully made connection to PostgreSQL\n"; 

To run the PHP code, we need to either embed the code in an HTML file and then call the web page or we can use the PHP command-line interface.

The result is as follows:

$ php /tmp/test.php ...

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