How it works...

The .gpx files store all the points' details in the WGS 84 spatial reference system; therefore, we created the rk_track_points table with SRID (4326).

After creating the rk_track_points table, we imported all of the .gpx files in the runkeeper_gpx directory using a bash script. The bash script iterates all of the files with the extension *.gpx in the runkeeper_gpx directory. For each of these files, the script runs the ogr2ogr command, importing the .gpx files to PostGIS using the GPX GDAL driver (for more details, go to

In the GDAL's abstraction, a .gpx file is an OGR data source composed of several layers as follows:

In the .gpx files (OGR data sources), you have just the tracks and

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