Getting ready

For our analysis, we will use the proportional_sum function from Chapter 2, Structures That Work, so if you have not added this to your PostGIS tool belt, run the following commands:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION chp02.proportional_sum(geometry, geometry, numeric)
RETURNS numeric AS
SELECT $3 * areacalc FROM
  SELECT (ST_Area(ST_Intersection($1, $2))/ST_Area($2))::numeric AS areacalc
) AS areac

The proportional_sum function will take our input geometry into account and the count value of the population and return an estimate of the proportional population.

Now we need to load our census data. Use the following command:

shp2pgsql -s 3734 -d -i -I -W LATIN1 -g the_geom census chp06.census | ...

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