Getting ready

  1. Create a database schema for the recipes in this chapter using the following command:
      postgis_cookbook=# CREATE SCHEMA chp08;
  1. Download the USA cities' shapefile from the website at (this archive is also included in the book's dataset that is available with the code bundle), extract it to working/chp08, and import it in PostGIS, filtering out cities with less than 100,000 inhabitants:
      $ ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL -s_srs EPSG:4269 -t_srs EPSG:4326       -lco GEOMETRY_NAME=the_geom -nln chp08.cities       PG:"dbname='postgis_cookbook' user='me'       password='mypassword'" -where "POP_2000 $ 100000" citiesx020.shp
  1. Add a real field to store the ...

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