Getting ready

  1. First, download one week's worth of active fire data (hotspots) from the EOSDIS website. For example, Firedata from EOSDIS can be found in this link: A copy of this shapefile is included in the book code bundle. Use that if you want to use the SQL and WMS parameters that have been used in the following steps.
  2. Extract the shapefile from the archive to the working/chp09 directory and import this shapefile in PostGIS using the shp2pgsql command, as follows:
      $ shp2pgsql -s 4326 -g the_geom -I       MODIS_C6_Global_7d.shp chp09.hotspots > hotspots.sql
      $ psql -U me -d postgis_cookbook -f hotspots.sql
  1. When the import is completed, ...

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