
Every book written I am beginning to realize poses certain questions, the key one being: Who is it for? In this case the answer is that it is written for its author: it is the kind of book I like to read. I like books that tell me about new, exciting ideas and theories in a clear, easily understood way; that are prepared to recount in some detail key interesting research, but don't insist I follow every twist and turn of the academic debate; and that give me ideas about how all this interesting new knowledge might be used in the field.

So this is the book I have attempted to write: the key ideas, research and pragmatics of positive psychology at work drawn together into one reader-facing volume. I have also attempted to illuminate the application of positive psychology in different workplace settings and cultures so that many different readers will find an example that resonates with their workplace or work challenge. My aspiration is that it will be interesting and useful to leaders and managers, students and consultants, and people at work interested in how things could be improved.

I have attempted to make the text lively and interesting as well as informative and scholarly. To achieve this balance I have had to make some choices and I want to say a few words about these.

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