ambient light

The natural light in a scene.


A circular opening inside the lens that can be adjusted to control the amount of light reaching a camera's sensor prior to the image being taken. The aperture diameter is expressed in f-stops; the lower the number, the wider the aperture. The aperture and shutter speed work together to control the total amount of light reaching the sensor. See also f-stop and shutter speed.

Aperture Priority

In Aperture Priority (AV), you select the aperture desired, and the camera sets the shutter speed as needed. This setting works great for controlling the depth of field in portraits.


The light coming from behind the photo subject. See also directional light.


A type of tripod head. This spherical ball is mounted to the platform of a tripod, and when you attach it to your camera, it allows you to adjust your camera in a fluid, multidirectional way, until you lock it in place to keep it from moving. Protruding from the top part of the ball is a shaft that holds the quick release clamp or platform.

battery grip

A device that you can mount on the bottom of your digital single lens reflex (dSLR) camera that extends your battery life because it provides more power.

bounce card

A white, gold, or silver card used to provide soft indirect lighting by bouncing light off the card. It can also be used to gently brighten shadow areas.

bounce ...

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