About this Book

I originally started writing this book as part of the Symbian Press Technology series back in May 2008. Since that time, a lot has changed in the mobile software world, particularly for those working with Symbian devices. The book you now hold in your hands is published by the Symbian Foundation using a rather more informal approach.

Determining the content of a technical book in a fast-moving industry is never easy but when organizations and strategies are changing faster than the code, it becomes extremely difficult. Because of that, several sections of this book have been revised multiple times in a valiant effort to bring the most relevant and up-to-date information to you, the reader. I sincerely hope we've succeeded. Nevertheless, we anticipate further changes, if only to some of the URLs we reference. For that reason, you can find a wiki page for this book at developer.symbian.org/wiki/index.php/Porting_to_the_Symbian_Platform, which will also be used to host the example code accompanying the book and to record errata reported against this version of the text.

What Is Covered?

The primary topic of this book is, as the title suggests, porting software to the Symbian platform. Further explanation of what exactly we mean by 'porting' and why you'd want to port to the Symbian platform can be found in Chapter 1. Before getting that far though, you might want to know what the Symbian platform is.

Terminology and Version Numbering

In June 2008, Nokia announced its intention ...

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