
image3 refinement, 172–74

application to, 180–81

mesh-based subdivision, 180

3D model acquisition pipeline

overview, 21–23

stages, 21–22

3D scanners, 20, 21

3D model acquisition systems

versus, 21

low-cost, 49–66

scan alignment, 41–48

triangulation-based, 23–38

  See also specific scanners

3D video

acquisition system, 402

of dynamic scenes, 401–6

frame memory requirements, 395

image-space coding, 396–98

object-space coding, 394–96

real-time, 398–401

recording, 392–98

recording pipeline, 394

scalable bricks, 403

scalable framework, 402

scalable prototype system, 404

simultaneous texture/depth

acquisition, 403–5


Acquisition, 19–93
environment ...

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