Timestamp Your Show Notes

Use Audio Hijack Pro’s AppleScript interface to mark important interview moments in your show notes.

During the course of an interview or show, you will find that you want to take note of the current time so that later you can make some edits relative to that point. Thoughtfully Audio Hijack Pro [Hack #50] has included an AppleScript interface that you can use to get the current time of the recording.

In this hack I provide an AppleScript fragment that takes the current recording time from Audio Hijack Pro and places it into the clipboard so that you can paste it into your show notes.

The Code

Create a new file in the Script Editor, with this code:

       tell application "Audio Hijack Pro"
           repeat with sess in sessions
               if sess is hijacked then
                   set theTime to current recording time of sess
                   set minuteCount to theTime / 60 as integer 
                   if (minuteCount * 60) > theTime then
                       set minuteCount to minuteCount - 1 
                   end if 
                   set secondCount to theTime mod 60 as integer 
                   if secondCount < 10 then
                       set secondCount to "0" & secondCount as string 
                   end if 
                   set theTime to minuteCount & ":" & secondCount
                   set the clipboard to (theTime as string)
           end if
       end repeat
    end tell

Running the Hack

Pressing Play in the Script Editor will run the code. This takes the time of the current recording and puts it into the clipboard.

The important bits are where I get the current recording time, which is returned in seconds (and even fractions thereof). Then I convert that into a string in a really roundabout ...

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